Friday, May 10, 2013

Lines intersect to Diverge

Gloomy may be the places you be at, brilliance may be the place enlightened with, may also be the most promising place you’re at but brilliance, gloominess and enlightenment, as of there are present just to fade away. Things have their own times to live.
Well, thing is that things prosper for their own self, devoid is the purpose of entertaining others. Things aren’t selfless, they actually are as contrary at times as much selfless they appear to be. People may get entertained by a happy, funny clown in a circus, but as a fact it’s his job for which he is up with that task. This converges me to the thought “Lines intersect to Diverge”…
For synthesis of this thought, live elements if considered to be going in life with a definite goal, at a particular time are confronted with possible cross-roads in the web of life; the intersections where thought processes meet.
But, the process is short-lived, though one may seem to develop a good understanding and belongingness with another person who’s also at the same intersecting point, but tends to start diverging at some point of time after a certain “TIME TO LIVE”.
The lines or the person, then start to follow the defined path and the intersection starts to get overlooked, with a new path with diminishing realization of the vanishing memories of the affectionate and precious intersections, howsoever many there’ve been, deem to just vanish away as a harsh reality.

The web of life always has those defined paths to travel on, the one who gets more close is the one who spends more time on these intersections, others just keep succeeding without the realization or devoid of the real experiences of life.
Where a web gets formed, it constitutes a like-minded tribe, where webs differ, intersections among webs occur.
[ You see now how different minded people meet and are unique intersections in millions]
Perhaps, it’s truly said that “One can’t step into two boats at a time”.
Hence, there’s always one boat one has to choose or either you can say a decision of
“TIME TO LIVE” on the intersections to enforce upon himself which destines the way of life you’ll live on.
The journey of life CONTINUES strangling in the webs and paths and decisions to take with a only difference being difference of decisions and realizations…

Monday, March 04, 2013

Handsome is that Handsome does

I would like to pose one question. Is Mother Teresa a beauty? Was Mahatma Gandhi handsome? Was Lincoln a good looking man? The answer is no-not at all, not by yards, not by meters- yet they are loved, cherished and held in great esteem all over the world for their deeds of nobility towards mankind.

As such, beautiful faces are those that wear, it matters little-dark or fair so long as handsome deeds are printed there.Some men are proud and insolent because they ride a fine horse, wear a feather in their hat and are dressed in a fine suit of clothes. Who does not see folly of this? For if there be glory in such things, the glory belongs to the horse, the tailor or the bird.

The surest way to live in this world is to be in reality rather than what we appear to be. We are our own fates. You may judge a flower or a butterfly by its appearance but not a human-being. A human-being is recognized by his deeds and has to work hard for it.Socrates, who was considered to be quite an ugly man gave us the most beautiful philosophies unparalleled even till today. So, beware as long as you live, of judging man by their outward appearance. Appearances are always deceptive, men in general judge from appearances rather than from reality. All men have eyes, but a few have a gift of penetration. Face is no more an index of mind. Who knows that a person with a beautiful face may have an ugly heart? 

Physical beauty is short-lived. It fades away very soon. But yet they are foolish who don’t know that if good face is a letter of recommendation, a good heart is a letter of credit.
We have our outward appearances, our inward appearances. Don’t be concerned with outward appearances that depend upon jewelry or beautiful clothes or hairstyle. Be beautiful inside your hearts with lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is really precious to God. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

In seek of "self"

Well, as i sit down to write this, there comes a thought...
A thought that, if we would just not be thinking much about ourselves, not being Selfish which we often disagree to ! ,
Wouldn't we have been self- sufficient persons?
Wouldn't it be a more satisfying life?

... Questions which may not be unanswered this way will be continued being asked to the inner "SELF".
What's a solution to it then? Perhaps, a long time gone now to actually realise upon it now as we are thy the persons Moulde out of our own "SELF".

Wouldn't it be mischevious to actually stop going on holidays and actually been living them happily as our daily Lives. So still do we tempt to call us as Selfless?
No, perhaps not. Seems to be an illusion of thoughts, a paradox perhaps. The way we Daily crave for things,  And then lose our simpleness and then, some fine day, try to SEEK our simplicity by taking day out...
But perhaps in the evenness of our desperation to find it back, perhaps the gap from Our Simplicity increases to ever guide ourselves back in search of it. . .

And then... Nothing remains, and frustration occurs. It's better to understand our HAPPINESS, meaning and worth of our simplicity, which shouldn't be lost in densing shadows of our daily routine. Cos, once gone, is just not possible to retain it back.